Il battuto di terrazzo alla veneziana, terrazzo for short, is a typical Italian flooring that consists of chips of marble, quartz, granite, glass poured with a cementitious binder (wikipedia relieved me of having to formulating a proper description of it!). I remember the terrazzo tiles at my grandmother's house: black irregular polygons on a white background. I even had a favourite tile because of a unique, unusual chip in it that looked like an oval cake with a missing slice. I knew it was not meant to be there with its curved silhouette among its pointy siblings. This is actually why I loved it so much. In order to reproduce the Terrazzo pattern, I first made the embeds, which were subsequently chipped into small cubes and bound together with white soap of the same kind. The scent recalls a fresh summer breeze: citrusy, floral and balsamic. This soap produces a bubbly lather that leaves the skin super soft. The colloidal oatmeal lends it soothing and conditioning properties.